Friday, January 2, 2015

Dr. Flatley's New Year's Resolutions

My cats got together and made a list of the things THEY think I should do for them in the 2015.  Can you believe it!   I thought that you might be interested in what I will be working on in 2015 to improve the quality of feline happiness in my home.  (SHARE this list with your own cats AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)

1-  Brand new and BIGGER litter boxes.  We are tired of the same old litter boxes -come on -we deserve REALLY BIG BOXES!!

2-  Could you PLEASE get us new toys on a more regular basis ?  OR AT LEAST ROTATE them weekly, so we think they are new?  Fresh cat nip toys would be really appreciated around here, as somebody (Peabody) can not control himself, and always chews them open within minutes!

3-  We appreciate that DAILY SCOOPING.  And thanks for NOT USING any air fresheners around the boxes.  How about if this year you try some of the cool natural cat litter choices?   Swheat Scoop, The World's Best Cat Litter, Feline Pine all sound interesting.  DON'T take the old litterboxes completely away, though, as somebody (Stringbean) ONLY LIKES gravel.

4-  We LOVE the canned food that we get every day, but can you PLEASE keep looking for more variety.  We really LIKE a different kind of food EVERY DAY.  And while we are at it, NO LEFT OVERS.  We hate it COLD from the frig -cut that out!

5-  We know that you already help several of the local area cat rescue groups in town  AND donate your time to CATS ANONYMOUS TNR program, but we think you should do more. We see how many homeless cats there are (on facebook) and it is scary-sad.

6-  I know that you tell us that annual blood work is important for you to know how healthy we are.  OK, we promise to be on our BEST BEHAVIOR for this, but ONLY if you promise fresh pieces of warm ROTISSERIE CHICKEN as a treat on all holidays, birthdays, Sundays and full moons!

Happy New Year to all of my followers.  Improving and enriching the quality of your feline family will make them healthier and happier, a recipe for a very HAPPY NEW YEAR indeed!

Dr. Maureen Flatley  and
Peabody, Posie, and Stringbean

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